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Show cases

There are some show cases that you can try out to see the power of WebGPU and WGSL in your browser.

Write your own shader

You can write your own shader in the editor and see the result in the preview.

Start Writing

Quiz and Feedback

You can test your knowledge by taking the quiz.

Start Quiz

And at the end, if you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to share them with us.

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Learn More

If you want to learn more about WebGPU and WGSL, you can check out the following resources:

  1. Your first WebGPU app - A tutorial that guides you through creating "Game of Life" using WebGPU. It demonstrates both rendering and compute capabilities, which is essential for understanding the power of GPU computing.

  2. The Book of Shaders - Provides a step-by-step guide through the world of fragment shaders, which is foundational knowledge of Shader programming.

  3. - Although focused on OpenGL, the principles taught here are transferable to WebGPU and can provide a solid background in graphics programming.